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Yodogawa Tori


I never noticed it before, but the Sky Building is really just a huge tori.

Comments (3)

engraulis mordax:

must be another tori besides bird, acquire and Spelling. Enlighten me oh wise one.

Who made those ghetto tori?


Tori (most correctly spelled "torii" when written in romaji) are the gateways at the entrance to a Shinto shrine.

These tori were almost certainly built by the homeless people who own riverside property down by the Yodogawa. Those guys have awesome houses made mostly out of tarp and other materials that they scavenge.

The Yodogawa is the Ashiya of homeless Japanese people, and I will do a post when I acquire enough pictures. I've only been able to photograph a few houses so far, and I don't want to invade their privacy too much. Photographing them will take time because it must be done in a discreet and respectful manner, and I want to post pictures that show just how cool these houses are.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 11, 2006 5:04 PM.

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