Giant Rats

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As I was feeding the cats, I noticed an animal looking down from our guava tree. This guy looks like he's taken some abuse in the face. Maybe he was trying to eat Yoda's food, and got clawed instead.

The opossum looks a lot like the killer rodents of unusual size that attacked the Man in Black in The Princess Bride, and makes a loud hissing noise if molested. I've never heard of them attacking, and used to catch them by the tail when I was a kid.

Another interesting thing about possums is that when they "play dead", they actually pass out from being overwhelmed by terror. I've never seen them do this though. The ones around here must be pretty used to encounters with humans and their pets.


I always thought their faces looked like the spies' faces from Spy vs. Spy

When I was a kid, he braceros used to ask me to bring them any possums I shot (raiding the chicken coops) so's they could stew them up. They said possums taste like pork, but a bit more oily.
In any case, if that's the possum eating my avocadoes, that's a dead possum!

they do gives nasty bites right? were seems known to attack snakes as well?

I imagine that they would give a nasty bite, but I don't think that possums go after snakes. Around where I live, there are no snakes, so I can't catch them and put them in a ring to test this...

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