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Over Hill, Over Dale

Yesterday was confused. First it was really hot without a sky. Then the clouds blitzed in and it poured heavily. Then the sun came out and it still poured heavily. Sporadic batallions of clouds made up of light and dark divisions scrambled across the blue expanse, all the while allowing the sunlight to filter through like the exhaustingly overseen replica paintings of Thomas Kinkade. I could've kicked myself in the nuts for not bringing my new digicam, so I had to capture this frame with my Docomo D251i instead.
This pic was taken at El Patio Ranch on the way to Ichinomiya. The five posts silouetted in the foreground act as masts to the ragged American flags that fly during rain or snow. This probably would be a dramatically patriotic picture had I remembered to bring along the QV-R4! Lesson learned.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 10, 2003 4:30 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Scalpel...Sponge...Spork.

The next post in this blog is Engrish Lessons!.

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