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White Day

Today, and every other March 14th, is White Day. On White Day, Japanese guys traditionally give cookies to women who they like, or who hooked them up with chocolate on Valentines Day. That's right, over here Valentines Day is the day where the ladies make romantic plans and give presents and sweets to the guys.

Where did White Day come from? I have no idea whatsoever, but I do know that you can't go into a convenience store without seeing a huge display with cookies, chocolates, and assorted gifts for this peculiar holiday. I kinda like the idea of mutually exclusive holidays based on gender, because it encourages reciprocation. Let's face it, although girls do nice things for guys on V-day, the bulk of the expectations lie on the dude.

I was pleased to see that some momentum has been building behind setting up an American version of White Day. Its ironic that this time it is a Japanese idea that has been improved on by Americans instead of vice versa. The Japanese may build more reliable cars and electronics, but surely they would even approve of this.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 14, 2004 8:35 PM.

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