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Mad Paint Skillz


I hate using generic MS applications to create or edit images, but sometimes it can't be helped. Having to rely on MSPaint in order to make diagrams after being exposed to the capabilities of Illustrator is a "Flowers for Algenon" like experience. Then again, I'm not being asked to crank out stylized works of art, though that would be nice.

Comments (3)

Now THAT'S a good idea for a game. Much better in the hands of a capable teacher, not like myself, hehe.


Nah, man, this is SD's idea. It's really not a game, really it's no better than the one that it's replacing, but the picture makes it look *oh so pretty*.

Indeed, indeed. You know, that's all it takes to get an idea noticed in our little world... a pretty picture.

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This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 9, 2005 11:55 AM.

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