Crazy 8's

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This meter is my good luck charm, located some place that no one will ever discover, frozen for the rest of time showing almost all eights.


Good find! Even better if there was money in the meter!

Nice, someone has taken the Chinese superstition of 8s being the number of wealth to heart I see.

OH WAIT!!! There's a 5! 5 = this one isn't good luck! You WON'T (5) be RICH (8s).

I love this crap.

Nah, its at 5.6, so that means I'm rich biyatch!

"ahhh...your Japanese is gooood." "you say arigato, like we say AH-RI-Gato!" Hey. The 5.6 stands for there being 5 "8"s, possibly 6 (5.6), but the six is a little hazy. And the M3 must mean that you will own a very fast car! =

or not

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