Finding Me

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It seems that a couple of years ago I did some class work while attending UCSB that ended up contributing to this website, but I don't remember doing anything special. I sure as hell know that Brian didn't either!
Holy crap, I don't remember compiling this!
I am also currently listed on this page.
But these pages are all way down the list on a Google search of "Adam Yoshida".
However, the second highest ranked page is none other than Justin's.

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Yoshida from C. Buddha's Hasty Musings on December 10, 2003 6:32 PM

I was happy to see my brother's name on Instapundit today, although the post wasn't in reference to him at all. It's not the first time this Adam Yoshida was mentioned there, but Glenn Reynolds expressed some strong opinions spurred... Read More


LOL, I think that Brian has this website on his resume (nothing like a little fluffing)!
By the way, I have a bunch of pictures commemorating your life at Sabado Tarde (including the packing peanut/water on the mattress incident). I also have a great pciture of you and Brian taking a hit from that monster beer bong you guys made.

Yea, i clicked on the first link and it was easy to find you since you were at the bottom...but the second link tricked me and I had search for you since you werent at the were of the top. Gooooo kristen!

Ahh - nothing like packing peanuts and water on the mattress to make you all misty-eyed.

Rebecca, I am willing to pay you for that photo and the online publishing rights just to see our mom's comments (oh and also to give Adam a link for his resume...).

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