Frilled Shark Video

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This eel-shaped shark was spotted a few days ago off the coast of Shizuoka prefecture. Prior to reading about the Frilled Shark (Chlamydoselachus anguineus) I had no idea that sharks other than the Six-gilled Shark had six gills.


i know, the damn thing was creepy looking. i would have pissed in my pants if i saw something like that coming towards me. hahah

actually looked more like one of them swimming slugs with teeth.

its jo-ds sharky thing and she thinks its gorgous lol shes serious

I'm glad you posted about the frilled shark, since I saw a glimpse of the weird eel-like body, and unmistakable shark face on the news...but missed the segment about what this creature was. Now I'm a happy camper!

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