Shucking Lobsters

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What does an uncooked lobster that has been stripped of its shell look like?

(scroll down)

I'm not one to cry for lobsters, or anything else that I eat for that matter, but I would imagine that being processed in this fashion would hurt. For us, this would be the equivalent of not only peeling away the skin, but more importantly, extracting all of our bones as a whole.


I read both links with relief. I really hate boiling crabs and lobsters because I know it causes a long, painful death. It's hard to enjoy the feast when you've heard the scrabbling of frantic claws inside the pot. But then I have fainted dead away at the sight of live ebi being scooped out of a tank and zipped apart by a sushi chef (tail still "dancing") and my grandmother spooning out uni as the spines still swayed back and forth. Thank the Gods that I can't hear carrots cry!

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