No time for love Dr. Jones

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Indiana Jones is who I wanted to be as a kid, and nothing much in that regard has changed since then. Respect to Harrison Ford for demanding to use a real whip instead of a CGI one (hopefully it will not turn into a radio, like the guns in E.T. did).

This is one of the few movies that I would wait in line for on opening day, though not in costume. After the Star Wars prequels, I'm a bit cautious when it comes to movies that revisit the stories I knew as a child, but I'm pretty sure that Indy IV is not going to suck. Even if it does, I'll treat it like Episodes I, II, and III, and just ignore it and pretend it never happened.

Here's a bit of trivia, a Welsh friend of mine let me know that Jones is indeed a Welsh name, meaning "Son of John". And Sallah, the Arab dude, is actually a Welsh actor named John Rhys-Davies.

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