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Perhaps it's because I have my Nikon back in working order. Or maybe it's because I have an extra free day each weekend. It could be that winter is finally fading away.

What ever it is, I was able to find interesting things this weekend, which I hope to post soon.

Here's a shot that captures so many textures and colors, it was hard to believe. Why is the sand that purple and why does the water look so deceptively inviting? I don't know, but I do know that I found a new favorite beach hike...



It is so beautiful right now. You gotta drive up into the wine country soon to photograph the vast hillsides of wildflowers, velvety young green grasses, stark naked oak trees and all the glorious fruit trees in puffy pastel bloom!
The blueness of the ocean against the bright chartreuse yellow of the mustard fields is startling to behold. Can you imagine it? Keep on shooting!

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