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A unwilling visit to the Monterey branch of the Bubba Gump Shrimp franchise.


dear god - please turn me into a bird. a bird, so i can fly. fly far, far away.

man, if you don't stop teasing me i'll tell mom.

mom will tell you that life is like a box of chocolates, dark gooey and fattening.

Hey you guys still playing beer pong?

Dude, what's up with the sorry expression? Didn't you like the average white guy dining experience at Gump's famously mediocre restaurant? I noticed you didn't even want to make tourist talk with the Forrest Lookalike guy, a grump who should really get another job...he's way too bitter for the part! But I love Monterey and I'm happy we all went!

nope, just asshole and an occasional round of drinking/strip pin pon pan (a japanese drinking game). nowadays, we don't really need an excuse to drink fast because we try and drink as much as we can under the two hour limit at the various all you can drink places.

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