Welcome to Mindhead

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Yikes! We got our drug education from DARE (at Courreges Elementary), who did a decent job of educating without too much propaganda. Do you remember seeing Dianetics...

Dianetics junior much better then Krishna,
Dianetics junior much better indeed,
And all you people there, your tremendous,
Except the people in the middle,
When you're toking up a big ass bowl of weed,with me, and KG
All Right! Oh Yeah! All Right! Oh my god!

Would all the ladies in the house say Yeah! (Yeah)
C'mon, all you motherfuckers say a prayer! (prayer)
Cause when you fight, you gotsta fight fair!
You mother fucker, huh? You mother fucker,
You know what time it is?

It's Tenacious D time you motherfucker blow!
Fuck yeah!
Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

Dude, that was TNT...
(Tenacious D rules!)

...commercials on during Saturday morning cartoon breaks? The volcano spouting lava looked so cool, and the persuasive voice oozing the words "It will change your life forever!" almost made me want to read the book (I can't believe I can still remember this! is it a testament to their skills of persuasion?)! Good thing I was only 5 years old, and had to depend on my parents to read anything harder than Dr. Seuss out loud to me.

Keep it together, Kit... Keep it together! More info on Mindhead.

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